Continental Asset Management

We support small, Medium and large business owners in
attaining the access to finance necessary to grow their businesses.

We believe in the power of increasing access to finance to enable more business owners to create sustainable and successful businesses that are able to weather external shocks
and create jobs. At Continental Asset Management Limited we work to promote sustainable,
inclusive growth and strengthen our partner companies’ resilience and response to economic and
financial crises. W

About us

Our Objectives

  • Provision of a lifeline for cash – trapped businesses in need of the tools of trade
  • Management of equipment presents a three pronged challenge to businesses:
    1. Cost of acquisition
    2. Actual management time
    3. Loading of the balance sheet hence limiting organisation access to further funds
  • The leasing model allows business to access much needed tools for their growth while giving accounting and financial benefits
    Businesses are realizing that focus on core business is critical for growth.