Our Leasing Solution

Access to finance is critical for economic development. It allows businesses to grow and ultimately make important contributions to job creation and reduction of poverty and inequalities. However, in the developing world, 200 million businesses lack access to credit. They face many hurdles that are often difficult to overcome: to access credit, they should present a credit history or some form of collateral that they often do not have.

The challenge is particularly acute in much of Sub-Saharan Africa, where some 60 percent of the population is employed in the small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector. This percentage is significantly higher when informal SMEs are included, many of which would not qualify for traditional bank financing. At Continental Asset Management Limited we work to promote sustainable, inclusive growth and strengthen our partner companies’ resilience and response to economic and financial crises.

The Solution

We believe in the power of increasing access to finance to enable more business owners to create sustainable and successful businesses that are able to weather external shocks and create jobs.

The question arises then, how best may we support small, Medium and large business owners in attaining the access to finance necessary to grow their businesses? One way is through improving their ability to access operating leases. The beauty of operating lease as a solution for many business owners is that it eliminates the need for them to produce collateral, as the asset being leased serves as the collateral itself.

Operating leases therefore present itself as a tremendous opportunity for many SMEs across the country & continent. With a conservative market potential of$ 80 billion, less than half of which has been tapped, opportunities are abound on a continent with tremendous needs for equipment in the agriculture, manufacturing and renewable energy sectors, to name a few.

We believe in the power of increasing access to finance to enable more business owners to create sustainable and successful businesses that are able to weather external shocks and create jobs.

The question arises then, how best may we support small, Medium and large business owners in attaining the access to finance necessary to grow their businesses? One way is through improving their ability to access operating leases. The beauty of operating lease as a solution for many business owners is that it eliminates the need for them to produce collateral, as the asset being leased serves as the collateral itself.

Operating leases therefore present itself as a tremendous opportunity for many SMEs across the country & continent. With a conservative market potential of$ 80 billion, less than half of which has been tapped, opportunities are abound on a continent with tremendous needs for equipment in the agriculture, manufacturing and renewable energy sectors, to name a few.